Wednesday, August 31, 2005

An extra hug today...

Spent most of the day watching CNN. The tragedy unfolding in New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast areas affected by Hurricane Katrina is mind-boggling.

I sat here this afternoon, trying to imagine what I would take with me if we had to evacuate our home. Here's my list so far: Kevin, Olivia, the 2 dogs - Jake and Mollie, the 2 cats - Daisy and Gatsby, our photos, my wedding dress, our cameras, clothes, diapers, Olivia's blanket and stuffed toys, food, water, cell phones, home movies...the list goes one and on. Basically, it would take both cars and probably a U-Haul to take it all. But that isn't realistic, now is it?

It is unimaginable to me...what these people are dealing with. Many of them have no homes or belongings to come home to. They have the clothes on their backs and memories. That is what's left for most -- only memories.

I said today that I won't complain anymore about how tough things seem to be. The residents of the Gulf Coast have it much, much harder.

Sure, our gas prices went up to $3.09 a gallon...but at least we have 2 cars to drive. Yes, money is tight right now, but at least Kevin has a job and we have a home to keep us safe and warm. We have electricity, food, water and all the basic necessities that probably seem like luxuries to those living in Katrina's aftermath.

My thoughts and prayers to everyone on the Gulf Coast tonight.

Believe me, Olivia got many extra hugs and kisses today, just because.

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